Journal of Woundcare Handbook

The professional's guide to wound product selection


Emplin NA

Non-adherent multilayer absorbent dressing with perforated film face.


Adhesive non-woven island dressing with absorbent pad.

Empore Tape

Multipurpose, hypoallergenic and highly permeable paper fixation tape

EmporeBlue Tape

Paper and plastic blended tape. Allows for moderate adhesion and bidirectional tearing.

Emporer EAB

Cotton elastic adhesive bandage. Stretchable and conformable for compression and fixation of joints.

Empress Two

Type 2 light support bandage. Second layer of four-layer compression system. Consists of viscose, nylon and elasticated yarn.


Layer 2 of two-layer compression bandaging system; inelastic cohesive bandage designed to provide consistent compression


Layer 2 of two-layer reduced compression bandaging system. Inelastic cohesive bandage designed to provide reduced consistent compression.


Comfort foam padding layer 1 of two-layer compression bandaging system, with cotton skin protection to distribute pressure and provide comfort