Journal of Woundcare Handbook

The professional's guide to wound product selection



Versatile range of dermal matrices with varying resorption profiles which allow to obtain wound coverage and tissue deposition for the duration that is required. An extracellular matrix (ECM) derived from porcine urinary bladder matrix (UBM) technology, it provides an environment that supports new tissue formation and wound healing. It is acellular, minimally processed, non-crosslinked and completely resorbable, and it is associated with a modified inflammatory response.



A single-use, single-application, acidic, dehydrating gel intended for topical application to debride and remove biofilm and necrosis from the wound surface. Application time is up to 60 seconds, following which the gel needs to be removed from the skin by rinsing with saline or water and rubbing dry with sterile gauze.

Debrisoft Lolly

Debridement device with a head made from polyester, using patented Monofilament Fibre Technology secured to a polypropylene handle. NICE technologies guidance (MTG17) states that the case for using this dressing on acute and chronic wounds in the community is supported by the evidence.

Debrisoft Pad

Debridement pad made from polyester, using patented monofilament fibre technology. NICE technologies guidance (MTG17) states that the case for using this dressing on acute and chronic wounds in the community is supported by the evidence.

Derma Protective Plus

Derma Protective Plus

Fragrance-free, non-greasy, viscous skin protectant containing dimethicone. Protects against moisture-associated skin damage related to incontinence.



Gel tissue adhesive with two applicators.