Journal of Woundcare Handbook

The professional's guide to wound product selection


Algisite Ag

A calcium alginate impregnated with silver that encourages moist wound healing and providines an antimicrobial barrier. It can be used to absorb excess exudate from infected or at-risk wounds.

Algisite M

Calcium alginate dressing consisting of a thick highly absorbent pad of non-woven alginate fibres



Alginate dressing impregnated with 100% manuka honey

Algivon Plus

Algivon Plus

Reinforced alginate dressing impregnated with 100% manuka honey

Algivon Plus Ribbon

Algivon Plus Ribbon

Reinforced alginate ribbon impregnated with 100% manuka honey. Comes with probe.


A concentrated medical gel-cream for the treatment and hydration of vulnerable skin immediately after wound closure. Combines the strength of freshly processed, pure aloƫ vera gel (Aruba Aloe barbadensis) and high-quality oils and ingredients such as jojoba oil, vitamin E and vitamin C. Helps to prevent scar formation and reduces itching and redness of the skin. Hydrates dry, sensitive and vulnerable skin and improves the flexibility of tight, non-elastic skin affected by burns and scalds. Also available with an integral SPF 30 sun block.



Absorbent vapour-permeable adhesive film dressing.

Alleviant Ulcer Care Kit

Comprises a stocking liner with X-Static interwoven silver thread, which has antimicrobial properties, and an overstocking with a back zipper for easy application. Delivers a combined compression of class 3.