Journal of Woundcare Handbook

The professional's guide to wound product selection

Cutimed Epiona

Cutimed Epiona

Essity (T/A BSN medical)


Sterile, freeze-dried matrix consisting of collagen and calcium alginate. Collagen is obtained from bovine dermis and consists of collagen types I, III and V. Has haemostyptic properties, supports wound healing, is soft and easy to mould, and has a good absorptive capacity.


For the treatment of all wounds healing by secondary intention that are free of necrotic tissue, such as diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, pressure ulcers, ulcers caused by mixed vascular aetiologies, traumatic wounds and surgical wounds


Known intolerance or allergy to one or more components. There are no clinical data on its use during pregnancy and lactation. Use of this product requires a careful risk/benefit assessment by the treating physician and it should only be used if the advantages are clear.


5×5cm, £4.76; 10×10cm, £13.38

More on: Collagen dressings